

Streaming is a quick and continuous way to obtain material via the internet. It has become the primary means for consumers to consume music and films, with video streaming provider Netflix, for example, accounting for more than 37% of all internet traffic during peak use hours.

3 Advantages of Streaming

1. Streaming is instant—regardless of how huge the music or video file is, streaming material begins to play very instantaneously. There's no need to wait for it to download fully.

2. Streaming does not need the use of storage space. Unlike downloading programs and having enough capacity to keep them, you don't need a huge hard drive to contain the stuff you want to watch or listen to.

3. Most streaming applications allow you to pick what you want to watch or listen to, so you don't have to stick to a cable or radio schedule.

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Streaming is likely something you've done if you've used the internet for any time. Streaming apps like YouTube, Spotify, Netflix, and a hundred others are some of the most popular on the internet.


These are the most common streaming contents.